
Welcome to Cherry Grove Art Studio

It became obvious in 2018, that I needed a space for creating art. We started out with plans for transforming our barn into a studio, but ran into several obstacles. We finally decided to purchase a made-to-order shed and customize it to my studio needs. This idea became a reality, and Shenandoah Sheds delivered the structure to our property. Then we needed electricity, insulation, walls, and custom shelves. Again we hit a few snags, but nothing monumental. Voila! It is really a perfect space for me to work, gather with other artists, and display my work.

At the easel with “BUG” to keep me company

At the easel with “BUG” to keep me company

Young artist visits the studio for a lesson on cubism

Young artist visits the studio for a lesson on cubism

Stop by for a chat, some tea, and a peek at what is happening at Cherry Grove Art.

Stop by for a chat, some tea, and a peek at what is happening at Cherry Grove Art.

Cherry Grove Art Studio is open by Appointment Only.

35614 Cherry Grove Lane
Round Hill, VA 20141

To book an appointment or receive information:

Call 540-338-2476 and leave a message or email Diane to schedule didennis@starpower.net